Workshops and CommUnity Events

Monthly Drum Circle

With Mint Siegel

Friday, September 20
7:00-8:30 p.m.

Love Offering

LOCATION: Sound Body Studio
2900 Concord Pike, Unit D/Q, Wilmington, DE 19803 (formerly Yoga U; behind the Trek Bike Store)

Our drum circle is returning on the third Friday of each month, this time led by Mint Siegel, a grounding Earth Mother, beautiful vocalist, and natural leader of Unity, Presence and Joy.

Bring your own drums, rattles, or other percussion-like instruments as well as whatever you need to sit comfortably (folding chairs may be brought and placed on yoga mats to protect the floor).

All ages and abilities are welcome! Bring your friends and family! No registration is required.

Growing Our Heart Capacity 
Through Sound & Song

Rev. Rhetta Morgan

Sunday, September 22
12:15-1:45 p.m.

$20 per person

The commUnity-building power of singing together will transform us!  Singing together is a practice that can support every aspect of our spiritual growth.

In this workshop we will sing to:
- Grow our hearts' capacity
- Heal our past while facing the challenges before us
- Sing more fully and passionately alone or in community
Express a range of emotions and states of being, from grief to joy
- Envision a future, rooted in the now and sing that future into form

Whether you feel you can sing or not, your voice is wanted and needed! 

When you register, please INCLUDE EVENT NAME in the Notes Section.


Awakened Heart CommUnity Events

We hold profound workshops, warm commUnity gatherings and fun recreational outings all year long.

Workshop Presenter Application

If you would like to lead an inspiring workshop with Awakened Heart, please fill out the attached workshop application and return to the specified contact person. We will review your application and contact you soon.

If you have a suggestion for a recreational event, please provide the details and a link to its website in our Contact Form.

Thank you for your interest!

Subscribe to Our Newsletter

Sign up for our weekly newsletter to get details about our  upcoming speakers, group meditations, events and classes.

Physical Address:

2119 The Highway
Wilmington, DE 19810

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 7536
Wilmington, DE 19803