
We are deeply grateful how YOU help us ALL flourish
with your time, talent, and treasure!

Together, We Help Hearts Awaken

We are a 501c3, non-profit spiritual teaching community that started in 2005.  By the practice of tithing, members provide the financial resources that empower our mission and ministry of illuminating and being ever-expanding Love. Your donations are vital and eternally appreciated.

Awakened Heart also tithes 10% monthly to nourish those who spiritually nourish us!

Class/Workshop Payments:
If you are registering for a class or workshop, please include the EVENT NAME in the Notes section.

Donate with QR Code

Access PayPal by clicking here or scanning the QR code with your phone camera. You also have the option of including the processing fee. 

Class & Workshop Payments
If you are registering for a workshop or class, please add the EVENT NAME in the Notes section.

Donate By Check

Awakened Heart Spiritual Center
P.O Box 7536
Wilmington, DE 19803

Thank you!

More Ways of Giving

If you would like to make a lasting difference to this spiritual commUnity, there are many options.

Whether you would like to put your donation to work today or benefit us after your lifetime, choose your charitable plan. 

Click "Read More" to view a downloadable document to assist you in ways of making a a lasting contribution. 

A simple way to make a long-term impact

Gift in Your Will or Living Trust

A gift in your will is a meaningful way to support Awakened Heart Spiritual Center.

You can complete your gift by including just one sentence in your will. And because your gift is not realized until after your lifetime, it costs you nothing today.

Finally, if your life or financial circumstances change, you can amend your gift or change your mind at any time.

No matter the size, a gift in your will to Awakened Heart empowers our mission and ministry.

You can simply add the following words to your will:

"I give to Awakened Heart Center for Spiritual Living - Teaching Chapter, a nonprofit corporation currently located at P.O. Box 7536, Wilmington, DE 19803 or its successor thereto, ______________ [written dollar amount, percentage of the estate, or description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose."

An easy way to help our mission and ministry

Beneficiary Designations

In just a few minutes, you can make a lasting impact at Awakened Heart Spiritual Center, and it won't affect your current budget.

Simply name Awakened Heart Spiritual Center as a beneficiary of one of your assets, such as the following:

- IRAs or retirement plan 
- Life insurance policy 
- Commercial annuity

It only takes three steps to make this type of gift. Here's how to name Awakened Heart Spiritual Center as a beneficiary:

1. Contact your retirement plan administrator, insurance company, bank or financial institution for a change-of-beneficiary form.

2. Decide what percentage (1 to 100) you would like Awakened Heart Spiritual Center to receive and name us, along with the percentage you chose, on the beneficiary form.

3. Return the completed form to your plan administrator, insurance company, bank or financial institution.

Satisfy your required minimum distribution while helping our mission and ministry

Qualified Charitable Distribution from your IRA

What is a qualified charitable distribution?

A qualified charitable distribution (QCD) is a distribution of funds from your IRA (other than a SEP or SIMPLE IRA) directly to a qualified charitable organization, such as the Awakened Heart Spiritual Center. Because the gift goes directly to the charity without passing through your hands, the dollar amount of the gift may be excluded from your taxable income up to a maximum of $100,000 annually, with some exceptions. Please consult your tax advisor for information regarding your specific exceptions. To learn more about QCDs, please visit

Who can make a qualified charitable distribution?

QCDs can be made by IRA owners who are age 70 1/2 or older. QCDs made prior to the age you are required to take a minimum distribution from your retirement assets (pre-Required Minimum Distribution QCDs) will not reduce or otherwise impact future Required Minimum Distribution. Your tax advisor can provide additional information on your particular situation. Many individuals who are required to take money from their IRA but do not need it for living expenses have chosen to make QCDs from their IRAs to support the work of the Awakened Heart Spiritual Center. This may make sense for you too!To learn more about eligibility, please visit

How do I make a qualified charitable distribution to Awakened Heart?

Your QCD must be made directly from your IRA custodian to the Awakened Heart Spiritual Center on your behalf. Each financial institution has its own process for initiating a qualified charitable distribution. Many retirement plan administrators require you to use their distribution forms and comply with other requirements, so follow your financial institution’s forms and procedures to ensure you receive any potential tax benefits associated with this gift.

Next Steps

1. Contact [email protected] for additional information on charitable gifts.

2. Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor.

3. If you include Awakened Heart Spiritual Center in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID.

Legal Name: Awakened Heart Spiritual Center
Address: P.O. Box 7536, Wilmington, DE 19803
Federal Tax ID Number: 51-0389883

Physical Address:

2119 The Highway
Wilmington, DE 19810

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 7536
Wilmington, DE 19803